๐Ÿงช Write Tests

Write unit tests with mock data for Firestore Security Rules.

command line
firebase emulators:start
file_type_js rules.test.js
describe('Database rules', () => {
    let db;
    // Applies only to tests in this describe block
    beforeAll(async () => {
      db = await setup(mockUser, mockData);
    afterAll(async () => {
      await teardown();
    test('deny when reading an unauthorized collection', async () => {
      const ref = db.collection('secret-stuff');

      expect( await assertFails( ref.get() ) );

    test('allow admin to read unpublished posts', async () => {
      const ref = db.doc('posts/abc');

      expect( await assertSucceeds( ref.get() ) );

    test('allow admin to update posts of other users', async () => {
      const ref = db.doc('posts/abc');

      expect( await assertSucceeds( ref.update({ published: true }) ) );

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