🧱 Objects
Everything you need to know about the JavaScript Object
The JavaScript object is a collection of key-value pairs, similar to a map, dictionary, or hash-table in other programming languages. Anything that is not a JS primitive is an Object.
- An Object is a collection of properties.
- A Property is a key-value pair that contains a name and a value.
- A Property Name is a unique value that can be coerced to a string that points to a value.
- A Property Value can be any value, including other objects or functions, that associated with the name/key.

Object Basics
Create an empty object. You have several options.
// literal
const dog = { }
// constructor
const cat = new Object();
// static method
const horse = Object.create({ })
Get and Set Properties
Now that we have an empty object, we need to add properties to it using accessors.
Valid property names include anything that can be coerced to a string, but must not used reserved words like function
, var
, return
and so on.
get = object.property;
object.property = set;
A potential gotcha with dot notation is that you can only access names that follow variable name identifier conventions, i.e without spaces or that do not start with a digit.
obj['hi mom'] = 1;
obj[23] = 1;
// syntax errors
obj.hi mom
Since ES6, we have a convenient shorthand for setting properties:
let hello;
let world;
// Old way 💩
const obj = {
hello: hello,
world: world
// Modern way 👍
const obj = {
Use a variable or expression as a property name by wrapping it in brackets - this is called a computed property.
const x = 'howdy';
const obj = {
[x]: 23
obj.howdy // 23
Object properties can be removed with the delete
delete obj.hello;
delete obj.world;
An object is stored in the heap memory, which means variables maintain a reference to it, as opposed to a full copy of it. When checking for object equality, it checks the reference - not the actual value of properties.
const original = { }
const x = original;
const y = original;
x === y; // true
x === {}; // false
Any variable that points to that reference can set its properties and they will be shared between all variables.
x.hello = 'world';
original.hello; // world
y.hello; // world
Combine Objects
But what if we want to clone an object to create a separate reference? Object.assign
allows us to copy an object’s properties and create a new reference. Its properties will be copied to the new object, thus changes to the original object will not affect the clone.
const original = {
hello: 'world'
const clone = Object.assign({ }, original);
clone === original; // false
original.hello = 'changed!';
clone.hello; // world (did not change)
Spread Syntax
A more concise alternative to Object.assign
is the spread syntax.
const clone = Object.assign({ }, original);
const sugar = { ...original };
const sugar = { ...original, hola: 'mundo' };
Object Methods
When a function is assigned to an object, it is called a method.
const obj = {
hello() {
In a normal method, this
refers to the object on which it is defined.
const obj = {
username: 'Jeff',
hello() {
console.log(`My name is ${this.username}`)
obj.hello(); // My name is Jeff
Functions using the arrow syntax are not bound to this
, so it refers to the outer or global this
const obj = {
username: 'Jeff',
hello: () => console.log(this.username)
obj.hello(); // My name is undefined
In certain JS libraries you will see method chaining with obj.doThis().toThat()
, which is made possible by simply returning the value of this from each method.
const game = {
hitpoints: 100,
log() {
console.log(`👾 ${this.hitpoints}`);
takeDamage() {
this.hitpoints -= 10;
return this; // Required for chaining
heal() {
this.hitpoints += 10;
return this; // Required for chaining
👾 90
👾 80
👾 70
👾 80
Constructors are just functions that describe how to create an Object.
function Boat(name) {
this.name = name;
this.created = Date.now()
this.horn = function () {
The object is then instantiated with the new
const sally = new Boat('Sally');
const molly = new Boat('Molly');
sally.horn() // Sally