📚 JavaScript Crash Course

101 concepts every JavaScript developer should know

Which term does NOT describe JavaScript?

Let’s a quick look at 100 essential concepts that every developer should know. At this point, you don’t need to understand everything. Just get a feel for the topics and we’ll dive deeper throughout the course. Come back to this lesson at end and it should make a lot more sense.

If you want to learn more about a topic, check out the MDN’s JavaScript content - it is the unofficial JS documentation.

100 Concepts

The complete list of topics covered in this video:

  1. Web browser
  2. HTML
  3. High Level
  4. ECMA
  5. WASM
  6. Runtime
  7. Scripting language
  8. Browser Dev Tools
  9. Interpreted
  10. V8 Engine
  11. Just-In-Time Compilation
  12. Script Tag
  13. Src Attribute
  14. Console Log
  15. Let
  16. CamelCase
  17. Dynamically typed
  18. Primitive.
  19. Undefined
  20. Null
  21. String
  22. Object
  23. Semicolons
  24. Const
  25. Var
  26. Lexical Environment
  27. Global Scope
  28. Function
  29. Local Scope
  30. Block Scope
  31. Hoisting
  32. Function Definition
  33. Arguments
  34. Return
  35. Function Expression
  36. Higher Order Functions
  37. Closures
  38. Call stack
  39. Heap
  40. This
  41. Window or Global
  42. Bind
  43. Arrow Functions
  44. Anonymous
  45. Passed by Value
  46. Passed by Reference
  47. Object Literal
  48. Object constructor
  49. Property
  50. Prototype Chain
  51. Inheritance
  52. OOP
  53. Classes
  54. Constructor
  55. Get/Set
  56. Instance Method
  57. Static Method
  58. Array
  59. Set
  60. Map
  61. Garbage Collection
  62. WeakMap & WeakSet
  63. Event Loop
  64. Synchronous
  65. Asynchronous
  66. Thread Pool
  67. Single Threaded
  68. SetTimeout
  69. Callback
  70. Callback hell
  71. Promise
  72. Resolve
  73. Reject
  74. Then/Catch
  75. Async
  76. Await
  77. Try/Catch
  78. ES Modules
  79. Default Import/Export
  80. Named Import/Export
  81. NPM
  82. NodeModules
  83. Package.json
  84. DOM
  85. Document
  86. QuerySelector
  87. Selector
  88. QuerySelectorAll
  89. Element
  90. Event
  91. Imperative
  92. Declarative
  93. Components
  94. Data Binding
  95. Module Bundling
  96. Network Waterfall
  97. Dynamic Imports
  98. Node.js
  99. Electron
  100. TypeScript

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