📅 Database Setup

Create a new Postgres database with Supabase

Supabase Project

Create a free Supabase project and database. Add your environment variables to the .env.local file.

Go to auth >> providers >> email and enable email sign-in. Set the confirm email option to FALSE.


Install the Supabase client library.

npm i @supabase/supabase-js


Update your .env.local file with the following:

file_type_config .env.local

The supabaseClient file is used to interact with the Supabase on the frontend.

file_type_typescript utils/supabaseClient.ts
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
export const supabase = createClient(

The supabaseServer file is used to create a client that connects ONLY to a secure backend. It bypasses row-level security and is used for admin tasks.

file_type_typescript utils/supabaseServer.ts
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
export const supabaseAdmin = createClient(

Create the necessary database tables by pasting this code into the Supabase SQL editor:

create table
  public.stripe_customers (
    id uuid not null default uuid_generate_v4 (),
    user_id uuid not null,
    stripe_customer_id text not null,
    total_downloads integer null default 0,
    plan_active boolean not null default false,
    plan_expires bigint null,
    subscription_id text null,
    constraint stripe_customers_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint stripe_customers_stripe_customer_id_key unique (stripe_customer_id),
    constraint stripe_customers_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references auth.users (id)
  ) tablespace pg_default;

create table
  public.downloads (
    id uuid not null default uuid_generate_v4 (),
    user_id uuid not null,
    ts timestamp without time zone null default now(),
    image text null,
    constraint downloads_pkey primary key (id),
    constraint downloads_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references auth.users (id)
  ) tablespace pg_default;

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