😎 SSR User Profile Page
Implement server-side rendering to fetch data on the server
How do you return a single result from a Firestore collection query
The following helpers will be reused on in other components to simplify the code.
* Gets a users/{uid} document with username
* @param {string} username
export async function getUserWithUsername(username) {
const usersRef = firestore.collection('users');
const query = usersRef.where('username', '==', username).limit(1);
const userDoc = (await query.get()).docs[0];
return userDoc;
* Converts a firestore document to JSON
* @param {DocumentSnapshot} doc
export function postToJSON(doc) {
const data = doc.data();
return {
// Gotcha! firestore timestamp NOT serializable to JSON. Must convert to milliseconds
createdAt: data.createdAt.toMillis(),
updatedAt: data.updatedAt.toMillis(),
User Profile Page
Render the Firebase user profile on the server.
import { getUserWithUsername, postToJSON } from '../../lib/firebase';
import UserProfile from '../../components/UserProfile';
import PostFeed from '../../components/PostFeed';
export async function getServerSideProps({ query }) {
const { username } = query;
const userDoc = await getUserWithUsername(username);
// JSON serializable data
let user = null;
let posts = null;
if (userDoc) {
user = userDoc.data();
const postsQuery = userDoc.ref
.where('published', '==', true)
.orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')
posts = (await postsQuery.get()).docs.map(postToJSON);
return {
props: { user, posts }, // will be passed to the page component as props
export default function UserProfilePage({ user, posts }) {
return (
<UserProfile user={user} />
<PostFeed posts={posts} />
User Profile
// see full source code
Post Feed
// see full source code