🎭 Playwright E2E Testing

Configure Playwright for end-to-end testing

What is the main way End-to-End testing differs from unit testing?

Playwright docs: https://playwright.dev/docs/intro

To initialize playwrigh in your repo:

yarn create playwright

Updates to the playwright.config.ts file:

const config = {
  // only change the following properties
  webServer: {
    command: "yarn dev",
    port: 1337, // should match the port you gave in our vite.config file
    reuseExisitingServer: true,
  fullyParallel: false,
  projects: [
      name: "Google Chrome",
      use: {
        channel: "chrome",
      name: "Mobile Chrome",
      use: {
        ...devices["Pixel 5"],

Installing the detect-port package:

yarn add -D detect-port


import { execSync } from "child_process";
import detect from "detect-port";

export async function setupE2eTest() {
  await startSupabase();

async function startSupabase() {
  const port = await detect(64321);
  if (port !== 64321) {
  console.warn("Supabase not detected - Starting it now");
  execSync("npx supabase start");

function reseedDb() {
    "PGPASSWORD=postgres psql -U postgres -h -p 64322 -f supabase/clear-db-data.sql",
    // for Windows:
    // "SET PGPASSWORD=postgres&&psql -U postgres -h -p 54322 -f supabase/clear-db-data.sql"
    { stdio: "ignore" }


truncate table auth.users cascade

Playwright VS Code plugin: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-playwright.playwright

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